Digirig is often described as turnkey, just works and plug-n-play, however your mileage may vary. There is no shortage of complexity in radio even before we add computers. Such complexity makes this hobby a delightful bottomless pit of learning. It also leaves plenty of room for things to not work out-of-the-box.
VHF/UHF Digital Modes with budget HTs
Enjoy the digital modes such as FT8, JS8Call, SSTV and many more over VHF/UHF using an inexpensive amateur radio transceiver.
CAT Controls Stability And Rig Control Middleware
I vividly remember the struggle with rig control errors and PTT that seemingly developed the mind of its own. In many cases the reason for unstable behavior of otherwise correctly configured serial CAT interface is RFI.
Digirig Mobile as Chirp Programmer for Baofeng
Love them or hate them, Baofeng HTs are here to stay. Digirig can easily double up as a serial interface for programming your radios with Chirp.
Setting Audio Levels For Digital Modes
One of the final touches required for enjoying digital modes is setting up the audio levels. There are multiple controls hidden in different places so the process might be somewhat difficult the first time around.
The Addictive Nature of FT8
Between, the quick turnaround time, the uncertainty of each play and the steady breadcrumb trail of dopamine it has all that it takes to hook you up for good.
Multiple Simultaneous FT8 QSOs using a Single Radio
Is it possible to have multiple simultaneous FT8 QSOs on the same radio? Check out how I did it.